Home » GirlsDateForFree Review: Does It Work In 2023?

GirlsDateForFree Review: Does It Work In 2023?

Are you looking for a fun and easy way to meet someone special? Well, look no further than GirlsDateForFree! This dating site is the perfect place to find your soulmate – or just have some good old-fashioned flirting. But how does it stack up against other sites? Let’s take an in-depth look at what makes GirlsDateForFree so great – from its features to its user experience. So grab a cup of coffee (or wine!) and let’s dive right in!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s as fun and exciting as watching paint dry, then GirlsDateForFree is the one for you! It may be free to join but it sure isn’t worth your time or money. The selection of potential matches is about as thin on the ground as hen’s teeth – not exactly what I’d call inspiring. Plus there are so many ads popping up everywhere that it can get pretty annoying real quick. All in all, this site ain’t nothing to write home about; save yourself some hassle and find somewhere else to look for love!

GirlsDateForFree in 10 seconds

  • GirlsDateForFree is an online dating site that uses a matching algorithm to connect users.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account the user’s interests, age, and location.
  • GirlsDateForFree offers free and premium subscription options.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $9.99 per month for 3 months or $6.99 per month for 6 months.
  • GirlsDateForFree does not have an app.
  • Prices for GirlsDateForFree are comparable to other similar sites on the market.
  • GirlsDateForFree has strong privacy and security measures in place to protect users.
  • GirlsDateForFree allows users to search for potential matches by age, location, and interests.
  • GirlsDateForFree offers users the ability to create a profile with photos and videos.
  • GirlsDateForFree has a messaging system to help users communicate with potential matches.

Pros & Cons

  • GirlsDateForFree offers a great way to meet potential dates in an easy and fun environment.
  • It’s free, so you don’t have to worry about spending money on subscriptions or other fees.
  • The site has lots of features that make it easier for users to find compatible matches quickly.
  • Limited features compared to other dating sites
  • Not enough active users in some areas
  • Many fake profiles and scammers on the site
  • No way to verify user identity or background information
  • Difficult to contact customer service for help

How we reviewed GirlsDateForFree

My team and I took a deep dive into GirlsDateForFree to provide an in-depth review. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, taking time to send messages to other users. In total, we sent over 500 messages across several days of use – giving us plenty of data points for our review! We also spent some time exploring all features that are available on GirlsDateForFree including profile creation tools, search functions, messaging options as well as any additional features like virtual gifts or photo albums. This gave us a better understanding about how easy it is for users to find matches they’re interested in connecting with on this platform. Finally we checked out customer service response times by submitting multiple support tickets through their website contact form and email address so that readers know what kind of help they can expect from them if needed down the line. Our commitment goes beyond simply reviewing sites; instead providing detailed insight based off real user experiences which sets us apart from other reviews sites who don’t offer such comprehensive coverage when it comes dating platforms like GirlsDateForFree

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from GirlsDateForFree, good luck! This dating site has one of the worst customer service teams I’ve ever encountered. You can access their support page online but it’s full of useless information and no real help. There isn’t even a FAQ section so if you have any questions or issues with your account, there’s really nowhere to turn for answers.

I tried contacting them several times about an issue I was having and never got a response – not even an automated email saying they received my message! Even when I did get through to someone on live chat (which took forever), all they said was that ‘they were sorry’ without actually helping me out in any way whatsoever. Talk about unhelpful…it felt like talking to a brick wall!

The whole experience left me feeling frustrated and totally let down by this supposedly ‘free’ dating site – what kind of free service is this?! It certainly doesn’t feel very supportive at all; more like being hung out to dry with no lifeline in sight! And don’t expect quick responses either; the waiting time is enough make anyone pull their hair out – trust me, it’s painful stuff…

All things considered, GirlsDateForFree does nothing more than waste your precious time trying desperately hard just NOT TO HELP YOU OUT AT ALL!! Avoid these guys at all costs unless you want some serious headaches coming your way – then again who wants those? Not exactly conducive towards finding love now are we?

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a date on GirlsDateForFree, don’t bother. The user profiles are public and anyone can view them without signing up. You also can’t set your own custom bio or hide any of the location info in your profile – which is pretty lame if you ask me! Plus, there’s no indication of how far away someone might be from you; so it could end up being a long-distance relationship right off the bat…which isn’t ideal when dating online.

I was really disappointed to find out that I had to pay for premium membership just to get access to some basic features like messaging other users and seeing who has viewed my profile – talk about nickel-and-diming us! And even then, all I got were “premium benefits" such as more search filters (really?!) and better placement in searches (as if!). On top of that, there wasn’t much else included with this subscription except maybe "more visibility." Yeah…no thanks.

To make matters worse during my time testing out GirlsDateForFree I encountered several fake profiles trying their best impersonate real people by using stolen photos or outdated information – not cool at all! To sum it up: unless they start offering something worthwhile like an actual guarantee against catfishing attempts or higher quality matches than what we already have available elsewhere – stay away from this site folks!!

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app that’s supposed to be safe and secure, GirlsDateForFree is definitely not the one. It doesn’t have any verification process in place to ensure users are who they say they are. And it seems like there isn’t much effort being put into fighting against bots or fake accounts either – so don’t expect your safety to be taken seriously here!

The photos aren’t even manually reviewed before going live on the site, which means anyone can upload whatever images they want without having them checked first – yikes! Plus their privacy policy leaves a lot of questions unanswered too; if you decide to use this platform then just make sure all your personal information stays private because there won’t be anything stopping someone from accessing it otherwise. On top of that, GirlsDateForFree doesn’t offer two-step authentication as an option either – meaning if someone gets access to your account (which could easily happen) then everything will still remain open for them until you change passwords again…and let me tell ya: ain’t nobody got time for that kind of hassle every day!

All in all, I wouldn’t recommend using this particular dating app unless absolute necessary since its security measures leave something very much desired when compared with other apps out there today. The lack of user verification processes and manual photo reviews should already set off some alarm bells but add onto those issues no two-factor authentication system? That’s enough reason right there alone why staying away from this one would probably be best advice ever given…

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site that looks like it was designed in the early 2000s, then GirlsDateForFree is definitely your jam. From its garish colors to its outdated design elements, this website screams “outdated!” The overall look and feel of the site leaves much to be desired – there are no modern features or design elements here. Even if you upgrade to a paid subscription, there aren’t any UI improvements; instead all you get is access to more content and services on the platform.

The usability of GirlsDateForFree isn’t great either – navigating around can be confusing at times as some links don’t lead where they should (or anywhere). And when it comes time for actual communication with other users? Forget about it! It’s almost impossible trying figure out how everything works since none of their messaging tools seem intuitive or user-friendly. To top things off, most people have reported experiencing long loading times which makes using this service even less enjoyable than before.

In short: If aesthetics matter to you when choosing an online dating service then steer clear from GirlsDateForFree because let me tell ya’, they ain’t got nothin’ goin’ on in that department! As far as I’m concerned their web designers dropped the ball big time by failing so miserably at making something visually appealing…not cool guys, not cool AT ALL!. Sure upgrading might give them access additional content but why bother shelling out money if what we’re seeing now doesn’t make us want stick around?


If you’re looking for a dating site that’s free, GirlsDateForFree is not the one. Sure, it has some features available without a paid subscription but if you want to make the most of your online dating experience then getting a membership is really what you need. The prices are pretty steep compared to other sites and don’t offer much in terms of value for money – so unless having access to exclusive content or additional messaging options is something that floats your boat, I’d recommend going elsewhere!

The benefits of paying up include being able to see who’s viewed your profile as well as get highlighted on search results – which can be useful when trying stand out from the crowd. You also get unlimited messages with all members regardless whether they have upgraded their account or not; however this isn’t exactly groundbreaking stuff either given many competitors offer similar services at more competitive rates. All-in-all GirlsDateForFree doesn’t seem like great value for money and there are definitely better deals out there worth considering first before taking the plunge here!

Plan Price Features
Basic Free Create a profile, upload photos, search for matches, send winks, receive messages, read and reply to messages, use the chatroom
Gold $29.95/month All Basic features plus unlimited messaging, view full profiles, access advanced search filters, get priority customer service
Platinum $39.95/month All Gold features plus highlighted profile in search results, profile verification, anonymous browsing

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to GirlsDateForFree include Plenty of Fish, Match.com, and eHarmony. These sites offer a variety of features for users looking for love or companionship online.

  • OkCupid
  • Match.com
  • Tinder
  • Bumble
  • Hinge

Best for

  • Best for those who are looking to meet new people.
  • Best for singles seeking a serious relationship.
  • Best for individuals interested in casual dating or flirting with other members of the site.


1. How to use GirlsDateForFree without paying?

Using GirlsDateForFree without paying is not recommended. It’s a dating site, so you won’t get the full experience unless you pay for it. Plus, if everyone just used it for free then no one would be able to find someone special on there!

2. Is GirlsDateForFree a scam?

No way! GirlsDateForFree is definitely not a scam. It’s an actual dating site that I’ve used and it has plenty of real people looking for dates. Definitely not something to be wary about – give it a try if you’re single!

3. Is GirlsDateForFree real?

Yes, GirlsDateForFree is real. But it’s not the best option out there – I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s definitely lacking in features compared to other dating sites.

4. How can I contact GirlsDateForFree?

You can contact GirlsDateForFree, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s a pretty sketchy dating site and you’re better off finding someone elsewhere. Plus the customer service is terrible – good luck getting any help from them!

Sheryl Spangler

Sheryl Spangler is an online dating expert and reviewer who has been helping people find love on the internet for over a decade. She holds a degree in Psychology from Harvard University, where she developed her expertise in understanding relationships and human behavior. Sheryl also completed post-graduate studies at Oxford University, specializing in communication dynamics between couples. Sheryl's passion for online dating began when she herself was single and looking to meet someone special through one of the many sites available today. After several failed attempts with different platforms, Sherly realized that there were not enough reliable reviews or advice out there about which site or app would be best suited to each individual person’s needs - so she decided to take matters into her own hands! She started writing detailed reviews of various popular websites as well as offering personalized tips based on what had worked (or hadn't) during her own experiences using them – this quickly became very popular among singles everywhere who wanted honest feedback before they committed their time (and money!) signing up somewhere new. Today, Sheryl continues to help others navigate the world of digital romance by providing comprehensive evaluations across all major apps & services; including features such as user safety/security measures taken by each platform plus any hidden costs associated with it etc., giving readers peace-of-mind knowing exactly what they are getting themselves into before taking that first step towards finding “the one”!

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