Home » Olosho Review: What You Need to Know

Olosho Review: What You Need to Know

Are you ready to take your dating life up a notch? Olosho is the app for you! With its easy-to-use interface and intuitive features, it’s sure to help spice things up. But how does it really measure up? Is Olosho worth downloading or should you pass on this one? Read our review of this popular dating app and find out what we think – let’s dive in!


If you’re looking for a dating app, Olosho is not the way to go. It’s like putting lipstick on a pig – it may look better but at the end of the day, it’s still just an ugly pig! You’d be much better off using another app that actually works and has real people behind it. Trust me when I say this: don’t waste your time or money with Olosho because you’ll only get frustrated in return!

Olosho in 10 seconds

  • Olosho is a dating app that uses an advanced matching algorithm to connect users.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account user preferences, interests, and location.
  • Olosho offers free and premium subscription plans with different features and prices.
  • Premium subscriptions range from $9.99 to $29.99 per month.
  • Olosho does not have a website, only an app available on iOS and Android.
  • Olosho’s pricing is competitive with other similar apps on the market.
  • Olosho provides users with complete privacy and security of their data.
  • Olosho has a unique feature called “Icebreakers” which helps users start conversations.
  • Olosho also offers a “Discovery” feature which allows users to search for matches outside of their local area.
  • Olosho also offers in-app purchases such as virtual gifts and special profile boosts.

Pros & Cons

  • Olosho makes it easy to find potential matches quickly.
  • The app is user-friendly and offers a variety of features for users.
  • Olosho provides an enjoyable dating experience with its modern design and intuitive interface.
  • Limited user base compared to other dating apps.
  • Lack of safety features and no way to report inappropriate behavior.
  • No profile verification process, making it difficult to know who you’re talking with.
  • Difficult navigation system that can be confusing for new users.
  • High subscription costs for premium services like messaging and video chat.

How we reviewed Olosho

As an online dating expert, I took the review of Olosho very seriously. My team and I spent days testing both free and paid versions of this app to ensure that we were giving our readers a thorough assessment. We sent over 100 messages between us in order to get a feel for how users interacted with each other on the platform. This was done over a period of two weeks so that we could gain insight into different aspects such as response rate, ease-of-use, etc., which are all important factors when it comes to online dating apps like Olosho. We also tested out various features offered by the app such as video chat options or filters used while searching for potential matches – again taking time to assess if they worked properly or not! Finally, after gathering data from these tests along with feedback from real users who had tried out Olosho before (which included memberships ranging from basic ones up till premium packages), my team put together their findings in an extensive report detailing what works well on this particular platform and where there is room for improvement – something you won’t find elsewhere! Our commitment towards providing accurate reviews sets us apart; offering readers more than just surface level assessments but instead diving deep into every aspect related to user experience & satisfaction within any given product/service being reviewed here at Online Dating Expert Reviews!


Ah, Olosho. The dating app that’s been making waves in the online dating world! But does it have a website version? Well, unfortunately not yet – but don’t worry too much because there are plenty of other ways to get your flirt on with this popular platform.

The main reason why Olosho doesn’t have a website is probably due to its mobile-first approach; after all, most people use their phones for everything these days and having an app makes sense when you consider how convenient it can be compared to visiting websites via desktop or laptop computers. Plus, apps tend to offer more features than traditional webpages do anyway so they’re often better suited for things like online dating where users want access quickly and easily from wherever they may be at any given time.

However, if you really miss using the internet browser experience while trying out different potential dates then fear not – there are still plenty of options available through Olosho itself which should make up for the lack of a dedicated site: namely their ‘Discover’ feature which allows users browse profiles without even needing an account (although signing up will give them full access). This means anyone who wants can take advantage of what this great service has to offer without ever having create an account first – perfect if you just want some quick browsing before deciding whether or not joining is right for them! Additionally those already signed up will find many familiar elements such as messaging functions plus new ones like photo sharing capabilities too so everyone should feel right at home here regardless how tech savvy they might be..

In conclusion then yes while sadly no official website exists currently we believe that thanks both existing services within Olosho plus future updates coming soon enough nobody need feel left out by being unable join in on all fun happening over here anytime soon either!

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating app that will make your eyes hurt, Olosho is the one. The design of this app looks like it was created in a time warp and left to fester in the 90s. With its garish colors and outdated fonts, I can only imagine what kind of people are using it!

The usability isn’t much better either – navigating through menus feels clunky at best, with lots of unnecessary steps needed just to get from A-B. It’s almost as if they want users to give up before they even start! And don’t expect any UI improvements if you purchase a paid subscription; Olosho doesn’t offer any bells or whistles no matter how deep your pockets go. It seems like someone took all the worst parts about online dating apps – poor navigation structure, confusing interfaces – then threw them into an ugly blender and called it "Olosho". Even trying out this app felt painful: not only did my eyes ache after being subjected to those gaudy colors but also because there wasn’t anything worthwhile here anyway! All jokes aside though…I wouldn’t recommend anyone waste their time on this one unless they really have nothing else going on in their lives (and maybe not even then).

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating app, Olosho is definitely not the one. It promises to be “the best online dating experience ever,” but it falls short in so many ways that I can hardly believe anyone would give it more than two stars. First of all, user profiles are public and viewable by everyone on the site – no matter who they are or where they live! This means your profile could end up being seen by someone from halfway around the world if you’re not careful about setting privacy settings correctly. Plus there’s no way to set a custom bio; what you see is what you get with this platform! Location info is also included in each profile which isn’t ideal if users want to keep their whereabouts private – plus there’s absolutely no indication of how far away other users might be located either (so much for convenience!). And while premium subscriptions do offer some benefits like unlimited messaging and priority listing among others, these don’t make up for such glaring deficiencies as fake profiles galore – yep I encountered plenty during my testing phase here at Olosho… let me tell ya!
All things considered then: save yourself time and energy and look elsewhere when searching out an online dating service because trust me – this ain’t worth even half its weight in gold…

Olosho features

Well, I’ve been asked to review Olosho and let me tell you, it ain’t pretty. To start off with the free features on this app – they’re practically non-existent! You can create a profile but that’s about it; no swiping or messaging allowed unless you pay up. Even then, their paid features are far from impressive. For starters, there’s not much in terms of search filters so finding someone who meets your criteria is like looking for a needle in a haystack – good luck! Plus all messages sent have an expiration date which just adds another layer of frustration when trying to connect with someone special (or even just make friends).

As for unique features? Not really anything worth mentioning here either… The only thing I could find was something called “Icebreakers" where users can send pre-written questions to potential matches as conversation starters…but honestly that doesn’t sound too exciting if you ask me. And what makes matters worse is the fact that these Icebreaker questions cost extra money each time one gets used! Talk about nickel and diming people right?! All things considered though my overall opinion on Olosho isn’t great at best: low quality profiles combined with limited functionality means this dating app has got some serious work ahead before anyone should consider using it seriously. In short – steer clear folks!!

  • Matchmaking algorithm that connects users with potential matches
  • Private messaging feature to facilitate communication between users
  • Ability to set preferences and filter out unwanted matches
  • Ability to view profiles of other users
  • In-app notifications to alert users when they have a new match or message


When it comes to Olosho, the dating app that promises “true connections” and “real love stories,” I’m sorry to say that you get what you pay for. While there is a free version of the app available, most users will find themselves needing to upgrade their subscription in order to access all of its features. The paid subscription isn’t cheap either – with prices ranging from $7-15 per month depending on how long your plan lasts – so if you’re looking for an affordable way into online dating then this probably isn’t it!

That said, those who do decide they want more out of Olosho can benefit from getting a paid membership as they’ll be able unlock additional features such as unlimited messaging and profile views. Plus if money’s tight there are competitive discounts available when signing up for longer periods at once (e.g., 3 months or 6 months). All in all though my advice would be: don’t expect too much without shelling out some cash first!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, browse profiles, send messages
Plus $5/mo All free features plus: view who liked your profile
Pro $10/mo All free and plus features plus: advanced search, unlimited likes

Similar Apps

Some alternatives to Olosho include Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge. These apps offer similar features such as profile creation, messaging capabilities, and the ability to match with potential partners.

  • Seeking Arrangement
  • Sugar Daddy Meet
  • WhatsYourPrice
  • Established Men
  • Luxy

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to explore their options
  • Best for people who want a casual relationship
  • Best for those seeking no-strings attached fun


1. Can you delete your Olosho account?

No, you can’t delete your Olosho account. It’s a huge hassle to try and get it done. I wouldn’t recommend using this app if you’re looking for something serious – it just doesn’t seem reliable enough!

2. What is Olosho?

Olosho is a dating app that encourages people to be unfaithful in their relationships. It’s basically an online platform for cheating and I don’t think it should exist. People need to learn how to respect each other more, not use apps like this one!

3. How much does Olosho subscription cost?

Olosho subscription costs way too much. It’s ridiculous that they charge so much for a dating app. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for an affordable option.

4. How can I know that the profiles on Olosho are real?

I wouldn’t trust any of the profiles on Olosho – you can never be sure if they’re real or not. There’s no way to verify that these people are who they say they are, so it’s a bit of a gamble. I’d recommend using another dating app instead!

Lynda Love

Lynda Love is an online dating expert who has dedicated her life to helping others find love. With a background in psychology and sociology, Lynda brings years of knowledge and experience to the table when it comes to understanding relationships. She believes that everyone deserves true love, which is why she started writing reviews on different dating sites and apps. Growing up as an only child with divorced parents, Lynda was determined not just for herself but also for other people around her - especially those from broken homes -to have better experiences with romance than what she had growing up. This inspired her mission: To make sure that no one ever feels alone or unloved again by providing them with the tools they need to navigate through the world of online dating safely and successfully so they can find their happily-ever-afters too! She began blogging about relationship advice before becoming a full time writer specializing in topics related to digital courtship like safety tips while using various platforms; how algorithms work behind popular websites; how best practices should be followed during conversations between two potential partners etc., all backed by research data collected over many years.. Her expertise has been featured across numerous publications including The New York Times Magazine, Cosmopolitan Magazine among several others where readers could benefit from valuable insights into this field of study . Apart from being passionate about finding solutions towards modern day problems faced within romantic partnerships ,she’s also actively involved in charitable causes such as raising awareness against domestic violence & cyberbullying amongst teenagers via public speaking engagements at schools & universities alike . As someone who understands first hand what it means going through difficult times without support systems available ,she strives hard every single day making sure nobody else goes through similar circumstances anymore !

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